Keynote speaker Presentations

Main session presentations by keynote speakers

Opening Address: Dr. Ayanda Sigwela
Thicket: Opportunities for human capacity development
Dr. Bob Scholes
Measuring of ecosystem services, agriculture and human wellbeing at a landscape scale in Africa
Prof. Christo Fabricius
Complex systems, drivers and tipping points – critical to understanding social-ecological vulnerability and resilience in Thicket
Prof. Marja Spierenburg
Private wildlife production and conservation in the Eastern Cape: impacts on farm dwellers’ land rights and livelihoods
Ron Thompson
The Principles and Practices of Wildlife Management
Dr. Dave Balfour
Thicket conservation and the role of ECPTA
Dr. Mike Knight
A focus on conserving the Thicket Biome with socio-economic development in National Parks: A modern-day political love story.
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